
New Social Rumbles Update ~ Personalization Update (10/8/22)

It's finally here.. the Personalization Update! You can now finally personalize the colors and fonts on Social Rumbles, plus much more fixes/new updates, read below!

Update 1: Custom Colors (Personalize your colors on Social Rumbles)

Don't like the orange background? Don't like the bright post colors? Think everything looks boring or stale? Well fret not! Now you can customize and personalize all the colors on Social Rumbles! All you have to do is go to your settings, then scroll down to the Customize Your View Section, and then check what part of the site you want to change and choose a color. It's that simple!

Don't know what to change? Confused or unsure about the capabilities? Then check out some cool color themes I made...

  • Dark Theme (Custom Background Color: Black, Custom Post Color: Black) 
  • Blues Theme (Custom Background Color: Light Blue) 
  • Pink Pops Theme (Custom Background Color: Light Pink, Custom Post Color: Light Pink) 

And billions of more color combinations! The possibilities are basically endless! What can you come up with? :) 

Update 2: Custom Fonts (Personalize the font on Social Rumbles)

Fonts. Some are bad. Some are good. Some deserve to not exist (looking at you Comic Sans!). But, everyone has their own preferences, which is why you can now personalize the font on Social Rumbles! All you have to do is go to your settings, then scroll down to the Customize Your View Section, and then pick a font from the dropdown. It's that easy!

Now that you can change the fonts and the colors, we can make some really cool and creative designs! Here are some I came up with to get you guys thinking...

  • Quirky Fun Theme (Custom Background Color: Light Red, Custom Post Color: Lighter Green, Custom Font: Atma) 
  • Halloween Theme (Custom Background Color: Light Purple, Custom Post Color: Lighter Purple, Custom Font Color: Very Dark Green, Custom Font: Creepster) 
  • Modern Light Theme (Custom Background Color: Light Pale, Custom Post Color: Lighter Orange, Custom Font: Barriecito) 

And much, much more! Personalize it ALL to your liking! This is your Social Rumbles account after all, so you should be able to personalize it, and now you can!

Update 3-5: Improved Security, Speed, UI/UX (Improve your experience)

And finally, the last thing in this update were some tiny little side updates that fixed and improved a couple of things, such as...

  • Mandated More Secure Passwords On Sign Up (Security) ​​​​
  • Improved TTFB through User Pagination & Improved Caching System (Speed)
  • Improved User Dropdown (UI/UX)

And tons of other tiny improvements! Your experience and enjoyment is the first thing in our mind; not money nor growth; it's always your experience. We want to make our platform one enjoyed by all and benefital to you; not the company- and hopefully with this update we improved your experience by just a bit.

And that's just about it! If you have any other suggestions for a new feature or if you find a bug, fill out this form or shoot us an email at [email protected]! We'll try to get back to you as soon as possible! In conclusion, we truly hope you enjoyed these updates, and we can't wait for you to see what we come up with next! Social Rumbles is an ever-changing platform... stay tuned!

(p.s. the next update will be chatting :)

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