This is the first official ad for SocialTap. Thank you.
Stop the hate! #Whatever #Article
It has come to our attention that @ajh has been hating on other users for liking our social media. We have seen a post from somebody, and he is also hating on our site, and replied to a person's post when it's obviously not his. We hope you will join us to stop the hate. Thank you.
- BrokenLatchhook
TechEverythingMedia and 2 others commented on this
I made a social media! #Whatever #Article
When discovering this, I immediately felt I needed to make a social media. okay, not really, but here it is! Right here
TechEverythingMedia commented on this
My first post #Whatever #Article
Well I gotta say- I am great :) I don't know what to do here tho tbh
apersonlol and 1 others liked this
greenSmiley ~ July 04
this looks nothing like the actual website LMAO
greenSmiley ~ July 04
wow, you even stole socialtap from