Hey there @greenSmiley
I see you have been hating and thinking that our company is fake. While that video of our first os was stolen, we got permission from the owner, advin, and he said he would help design a very simular os to that.
Sketchy may be so, but we are 100 percent real.
I came up with a passion when I was 7 to start a company. I loved tech and knew how to code very little. over time I became more advanced and made Sam's Bots, a mission to create bots for social media, discord, and more. Over …
ajh ~ November 11
bro got so scared he shut down the account 💀
greenSmiley ~ November 09
also getting permission from someone else DOES NOT mean you can just show it to others as YOUR work - r u too stupid to understand that concept 😂 and please give proof that someone frickin ORDERED your OS system? u rnt frickin smart enough, especially when you've given us proof that u can only copy stuff from others