not shaming anyone here, but I really think that social rumbles' UI could improve a lot - starting with the rounded borders. square borders seem extremely blocky, and rounded edges make a web app seem more modern and professional. Also, some posts' text has an overflow. I also suggest putting custom colors onto the messages in social rumbles chat, or the primary color we selected when we were customizing our themes
hey @Dheirya_Tyagi_CEO ! some tips to consider for social rumbles' ui
Dheirya_Tyagi_CEO and 2 others commented on this
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Comments (3)
Programming, Article Report Post Data
Elkyw ~ June 26
Wut bout Glassmorphism??
Dheirya_Tyagi_CEO ~ June 25
It actually is round if you zoom in and look closely, but I guess it couldn't hurt for it to be rounder. Noted!
plec ~ June 25
a bit more padding and more rounded corners would be nice