@Elkyw ~ Short
407 Reputation

Elkyw (6 Posts)

6 Posts
Age: 16
Followers: 6

Hi! I'm Elkyw, I like dogs and girls. Ok that was a horrible way to introduce myself. I like Engineering, and Software, basically anything with technology. No I do not make, or plan on making any tutorials, I'm not good at explaining anything Some quick fun facts about me: Just tried to be funny 16 Years Old 47 WPM peak typing speed Proud Linux User Imo im excessively clever From now on forward i would probably created projects much here, maybe a project every week, depending on what I am working on and if it's worth showing or not, I will try... my best to post creative stuff here ! Apart from that, I am always down for collaborations :) skills : 🀄REACT 🧩 JS 🎲 HTML 🧸 CSS 💲 Bash 🌌 Python 🎁 C/C++/C# 🎨 some graphic-designing tool 🔈 Audacity 📹 video editing ☣️ hacking ♟️ sometimes plays chess (btw not bragging but i have 6k rating in chess.com ) 🔭 I’m currently doin nothing -Elkyw ( [email protected] )




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