
Ranking Avengers Movies

Avengers - 8.5/10

Ok for a first movie this was good. With a good plot and great characters, this is one of the best Marvel movies ever. What holds it back is only 6 Avengers and again, being the first movie, they still had some stuff to work out.

Age of Ultron - 4/10

Yeah, this movie. to keep it short, it wasn't good. They added NO avengers until the enhanced and Vision MORE THAN HALFWAY THROUGH THE MOVIE not to mention it had a terrible plot with Ultron. So yeah, mediocre at best

Civil War - 7/10

It was good. Had the right amount of Avengers. A good plat with Spider-Man and Black Panther coming in, and a good cliffhanger

Infinity War - 9/10

Great. The guardians come in and it leads up to Endgame with the snap. Overall it was great

Endgame - 10/10

Amazing. The finale. 3 hours of action-packed amazement. With a great plot and the best climax with Tony Stark dying this is THE best Marvel movie

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