I made my profile image using Replit User Card
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I made my profile image using Replit User Card
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Mysterious Boy creating awesome things! ▼ Some of my Works! ⨉ Web Applications ◉ DDrive: https://ddrive.glique.repl.co/ - An online file-storing application that uses discord to store files! ◉ Useless Sites: https://useless-sites.glique.repl.co/ - Alternative of theuslessweb ◉ Frame your photo: https://frame-your-photo.glique.repl.co/ - add a frame to your photos ◉ Deathnote Meme: https://deathnotememe.glique.repl.co/ - Write someone's name on the death note! ⨉ Text-Based ◉ Trivia Time: https://replit.com/@GLiQue/Trivia-Time?v=1 - A Non-stop trivia game that ends when you give the wrong answer! ◉ YouTube Live Stream Chats!: https://replit.com/@GLiQue/YT-Live-Stream-Chats?v=1 ⨉ Replit-Based ◉ Replit User Card: https://replit-user-card.glique.repl.co/ - Generate an image of your replit profile or any other user's profile! ◉ Replit API: https://replit-api.repl.co/ - A simple json based replit API - W.I.P. ⨉ ETC ◉ Check my Replit Profile for more!
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Dheirya_Tyagi_CEO ~ January 15
Nice! I wonder if it's possible to, instead of using that default banner for people who don't have a custom banner, to use some kind of gradient color like the real replit does...