recent uprises at school to the so called blooket hack the devs are currently pachting the aniti cheat mistakes but what they dont know is that they took down the entire anti cheat but being ben (the dev of blooket) he supposidle bult a make shift hack (makeing the glizzy and theme hack look like walmart versions) so anyways the creator desided to make a mod to see weather you would get banned... but he had a problem he could not get rid of it... so basically he did it to the point where the only way to get onto the mod is useing the konami code witch is Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A. cheat code It's called the konami Code, and it often meant the difference between life and death in a video game back in the 1980s. Perform those button presses in the right sequence, and you'll unlock cheats that help you win. so now to enable it u have to have such a power of a dev or moding to reenable this hack but to this day the mod still left in the files sometimes gets even the best blooket modders baned!
(do not try this at home)
EpicPlayz098yt ~ August 16
if u want this hack (it was made by me) tell me it's a bookmarklet