
Category: #Problems (4 Posts) | 3 followers

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PNErotect our generation and social rumbles form harmfull dirty-minded furrys, any non extreamist type of furry that are nice and reasonable will be an exepction. the Anti Furry Union will protect social rumbles and make it more family freindly. More updates should be posted soon. The creator hopes this won't be taken down and hope this isnt offensive.

For a better future, and to protect Social Rumbles

 - An Anti Furry


Site Update #1 (9/6/22) #Problems #Article

My computer broke... so a lot of new updates were lost with the new update's code being lost (custom colors, dark mode, music, extra password security, etc.). Really disappointed that this happened; and now that high school's started, gonna have to work extra hard to regain those updates. Probably gonna work every weekend or so. Hopefully by the end of this month I'll be able to re-make these updates and then push it to the server. Luckily I saved an old backup, so I'll have to work from there. Sorry for the recent downhill quality of the site, a lot …

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What should I make #Problems #Video

Tell me what you want do in the coments below


Let's Talk About Statistics... #Problems #Article

You read the title. You know what we're doing here. We gonna be talking about statistics! WHOOOOO! Not the math statistics (boooo!). Specifically this sites statistics. Wait don't click away! Here me out!

Let's talk about some of these site's statistics. Let's start with the good. We've had over 3953 views in total so far. That's incredible, and it couldn't have been done without you the viewer. Let's move on to the bad. Out of these 3953 people, only 12 people have signed up for an account. That means only %0.00303566911 of people who check out this site sign up for an …

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