
Category: #News (22 Posts) | 13 followers

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time to pick a meme topic. #News #Article

Alright i am at 100 rep so now I am taking meme suggestions, i can only pick one if you comment a suggestion. I will only take them with in 48 hours of the first suggestion.


My goals #News #Article

If I get 100 reputation so I can verify I will make a meme of your choice.  comment what you want to be the meme and I might make it.


A quick message to @greenSmiley #News #Article

Hey there @greenSmiley

I see you have been hating and thinking that our company is fake. While that video of our first os was stolen, we got permission from the owner, advin, and he said he would help design a very simular os to that.

Sketchy may be so, but we are 100 percent real.

I came up with a passion when I was 7 to start a company. I loved tech and knew how to code very little. over time I became more advanced and made Sam's Bots, a mission to create bots for social media, discord, and more. Over …

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HEY GUYS so yesterday i did not go to school because i needed to go get like five shots my arm hurt so much and dat mean i did not see my freinds so it was SO BORING yesterday like bro *yawns* and im really tired i stayed up till like 5pm im so tired anyways sorry for the long talk i just have not to anyone at all


New Social Rumbles Update ~ Personalization Update (10/8/22) #News #Article

It's finally here.. the Personalization Update! You can now finally personalize the colors and fonts on Social Rumbles, plus much more fixes/new updates, read below!

Update 1: Custom Colors (Personalize your colors on Social Rumbles)

Don't like the orange background? Don't like the bright post colors? Think everything looks boring or stale? Well fret not! Now you can customize and personalize all the colors on Social Rumbles! All you have to do is go to your settings, then scroll down to the Customize Your View Section, and then check what part of the site you want to change and choose …

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