Unpopular Content! This post has been heavily disliked by the community. If you wish, you may view this post, but be warned its contents may be unpleasant.
Insertnamehere and 1 others commented on this
Unpopular Content! This post has been heavily disliked by the community. If you wish, you may view this post, but be warned its contents may be unpleasant.
How to Sleep in School #Lifestyle #Article
1: Don't put your head down, put your hand on your head so it makes you look slouched
2: Be half asleep, when you sleep try to be aware of your class, if theyŕe doing something you need to participate in
3: Hide behind people, don't sit in the direct back that's to obvious sit in the row with all the tall people or sit in the second to back
4: Give me followers
Dheirya_Tyagi_CEO and 2 others commented on this
kai ~ June 06
stop my sister is 7 you disliked her post for a picter of meee dislike my posts not hers she has a low self of steam @lilbaddieiyanna
Insertnamehere ~ June 06
You do realize the're ganging on you because you started it by disliking them for no reason