@Dheirya_Tyagi_CEO ~ Article
3706 Reputation

Dheirya_Tyagi_CEO (39 Posts)

39 Posts
New Jersey
Age: 14
Followers: 75

CEO of this site, not much to say...




20 dislikes

39 posts


Apology #News #Article

Firstly, before I start this post, I want to deeply apologize to all of you for the terrible quality of the site currently. I am so, so sorry. During the last few months, a lot of people have found new bugs, wanted new features, and wanted things fixed.

And I have done/fixed almost none of that. During the last few months, I have been very busy, and have not been able to update and fix social rumbles. On top of this, I have been giving unreasonable times to when I would fix them.

For this, I deeply apologize. It's very hard …

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YouTube Removes Dislike Button. My #Opinion #Personal #Article

You've heard the news. You've clicked on this post. YouTube has officially removed the dislike button. The reason for the removal is quote:

This has been done to protect all creators and making sure they have a chance to succeed and feel safe in doing so.

In my opinion, this is not the real reason for why YouTube is removing the dislike button. Firstly, I assume by protect, they're saying that they will protect the creator from seeing the dislikes and feeling bad. This makes absolutely no sense because the creator can still see the dislikes; only the user cannot. And also, …

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How To Stop Climate Change - What YOU Can Do #Education #Article

“Climate Change is no longer some far-off problem. It is happening here, it is happening now.” -- Barack Obama

Imagine a planet where more than one million species are expected to go extinct. A planet where more resources are used than the planet can renew itself. To sustain this planet, there would need to be one more planet to give it resources. No, this isn’t some sort of dystopian book setting. This is real life, and this planet is the state of our earth. These are all true facts, and there are more problems than that. Based on an article …

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Anime.js How To Tutorial - How To Animate Using Javascript For Beginners #Programming #Article

A simple lightweight JavaScript animation library with a simple, yet powerful API. -- Anime.js docs

Fun Fact: This site's landing page actually uses the anime.js library! Try it out for yourself! Be sure to be logged out and go to https://socialrumbles.com/. You will see this cool bouncing and text animation, which was built in anime.js. Want to start making you own animations? Well let's get started than! Today I will be teaching you this powerful tool that can help animate your websites. In this tutorial we will start simple learning the basics of the api and then make a more …

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Let's Talk About Statistics... #Problems #Article

You read the title. You know what we're doing here. We gonna be talking about statistics! WHOOOOO! Not the math statistics (boooo!). Specifically this sites statistics. Wait don't click away! Here me out!

Let's talk about some of these site's statistics. Let's start with the good. We've had over 3953 views in total so far. That's incredible, and it couldn't have been done without you the viewer. Let's move on to the bad. Out of these 3953 people, only 12 people have signed up for an account. That means only %0.00303566911 of people who check out this site sign up for an …

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