@Dheirya_Tyagi_CEO ~ Article
3706 Reputation

Dheirya_Tyagi_CEO (39 Posts)

39 Posts
New Jersey
Age: 14
Followers: 75

CEO of this site, not much to say...




20 dislikes

39 posts


Chatting is Back ~ The Biggest Social Rumbles Update Yet #News #Article

It's finally back. After one, whole year of waiting, it's finally back. Rumble Chat is back, and this time, it's here to stay, with more features and with more capabilities. Not only that, but much more happened in this new update on Social Rumbles! New UI/UX, new settings, a new reputation system, and more! Excited! Me too! Read more about it below...

Update 1: Chatting (Chat in Groups, Directly, And GIFS!)

First things first, chatting is back, meaning, you can now directly chat with any user, or chat in different groups! One thing that is new about the chatting section is that …

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New Social Rumbles Update ~ Personalization Update (10/8/22) #News #Article

It's finally here.. the Personalization Update! You can now finally personalize the colors and fonts on Social Rumbles, plus much more fixes/new updates, read below!

Update 1: Custom Colors (Personalize your colors on Social Rumbles)

Don't like the orange background? Don't like the bright post colors? Think everything looks boring or stale? Well fret not! Now you can customize and personalize all the colors on Social Rumbles! All you have to do is go to your settings, then scroll down to the Customize Your View Section, and then check what part of the site you want to change and choose …

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Site Update #3 (9/18/22) #News #Article

It's offically Sunday, so it's time for me to do my weekly site progress check!

If you're confused why I'm doing this, read the first update: https://socialrumbles.com/p/718/

And note, all of these features are not pushed to the Social Rumbles site, meaning, you will not be able to access these features yet. And as always, there are more features and updates being added along; these are just some memorable/notable updates.

This Week (No New Pushed Updates; Learning & Making New Side Projects To Improve Social Rumbles In The Long Term)

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Site Update #2 (9/11/22) #News #Article

It's offically Sunday, so it's time for me to do my weekly site progress check!

If you're confused why I'm doing this, read the first update: https://socialrumbles.com/p/718/

And note, all of these features are not pushed to the Social Rumbles site, meaning, you will not be able to access these features yet. And as always, there are more features and updates being added along; these are just some memorable/notable updates.

This Week (No New Pushed Updates; Testing & Developing Updates)

  • Made passwords more secure when signing up for an account:

  • Experimented with Dark Mode and Custom Colors (not finished)
  • Experimented …
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Site Update #1 (9/6/22) #Problems #Article

My computer broke... so a lot of new updates were lost with the new update's code being lost (custom colors, dark mode, music, extra password security, etc.). Really disappointed that this happened; and now that high school's started, gonna have to work extra hard to regain those updates. Probably gonna work every weekend or so. Hopefully by the end of this month I'll be able to re-make these updates and then push it to the server. Luckily I saved an old backup, so I'll have to work from there. Sorry for the recent downhill quality of the site, a lot …

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